Monday, November 1, 2010

Make new friends but keep the old...

for one is silver and the other gold!

Don't you feel the same way about recipes sometimes? I do. There are some recipes that I love and cherish just like an old friend. These are the ones that I keep going back to time and time again.

This week I will be making two of those recipes. They have both been posted on this blog before, but back when Basket411 was in its "infancy" and many of you may have missed them. So, as a reminder to always be sure and check out the sidebar for past ideas, and in hopes that these will someday be considered "gold" in your treasure of recipes I give you...


Give them both a try this week and let me know what you think. I hope they'll be as kind to you (and your stomachs!) as they have been to me!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Hi Ladies.. K, I just signed up for my first Bountiful Basket and I can't wait! I'm excited about your website so that I can have help using my veggies! You guys are awesome, thanks for the help!!