Saturday, February 12, 2011

Breakfast Cookies

 Yep!  You heard me right . . . a COOKIE for breakfast!  A healthy cookie even.  No flour, no sugar (a few chocolate chips don't count, right?), no oil . . . just a lot of healthy, protein packed goodness.

I was happy to find something different and fun to do with all those bananas we get . . . especially the ones that get too ripe for my liking.  I can only make so much banana bread before my pants start getting too snug!

The first day I made one of these, I was talking to my husband on the phone when I was making it. When I told him what was in it he said, "Uh, that sounds sick."  I was sure to save him a couple bites of the cookie for him to try when he got home.  The first bite in he was totally hooked and asked me to make him one for breakfast the next morning!

Here are three different breakfast cookies you should give a try . . .

This is the one that got me hooked.  I've even tried it without the chocolate chips and it's still quite delicious!

 I think this is on the menu for breakfast tomorrow morning.  A good breakfast to keep us going through church!

I don't have any kids, but I can only imagine how cool kids would think it would be to eat a "cookie" for breakfast.  And I'm sure it would make mom feel really good knowing you are feeding them a healthy, hearty breakfast!


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