Wednesday, September 22, 2010

A bounty of recipes for ACORN SQUASH

I hope you find one that suits your fancy!

Click on the link for a whole list of Acorn Squash recipes. 

All recipes in link from 
A great resource to find a great recipe for anything!

I think this one sounds good: 

Try one out and let us know what you think.

And don't can always bake, mash and freeze your squash to use in this recipe and others. 


Anonymous said...

We have really enjoyed Bountiful Baskets and all of the wonderful produce that we get each Saturday morning.

We have found that if we wait around for a little bit after receiving our basket there will be people that don't like or don't know what to do with some of their vegetables and they want to give them away!! So far, we have gotten some free Cabbage, Okra and Butternut Squash just by being present and patient.

Nothing goes to waste in our home and when we are finished with our produce the scraps go into a compost bin that we built.

Thank you Bountiful Baskets!!

Laura said...

So glad I found your blogsite! :0)

It's so weird because when I searched allrecipes for acorn squash 2 recipes came up!! Maybe it was a bad search day... :0P

boyandgirl2 said...

Another good use for squash is to bake it and puree it. Then I use about 1/4 cup or so in the mac and cheese mix instead of butter/milk...much healthier!

basket 411 said...

Laura- Glad we could help. Sometimes you strike gold, and sometimes not huh?!?!?!

boyandgirl2- that's a great idea. we talked about that in our sweet potato burrito post but it's worth mentioning again!