Sunday, October 10, 2010

Steamed Artichokes

For an appetizer tonight, we had steamed artichokes. 

I haven't had steamed artichokes since my college days.  My roommate, Robin (who also happened to be one of Lisa's roommates too!), used to eat artichokes a lot.  I think she is the first person to have ever fed me an artichoke.  She's from Salinas, CA where artichokes are grown all over the place so she always seemed to be the artichoke expert.  So as I steamed and ate my artichokes tonight, I thought of and missed my dear Robin.

I followed these instructions and was thrilled with the outcome.  For a dipping sauce, we simply melted butter and added some garlic salt and crushed red pepper flakes.  It was delicious! (But really, ANYTHING dipped in butter is good, right???) 

It was my husband's first time eating an artichoke and he also loved it!  At least one of us sisters is loving all of these artichokes we are getting ;)

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