Sunday, November 7, 2010

Granny Smiths

I know we didn't get any of them this week; instead we got fujis, but my family still had some of them leftover from last week's basket.  When I saw this post on Made, I knew just what we were doing with the apples. Since my kids are little and don't know what they're missing,we didn't have any Halloween candy to use up, so I bought a bag of Snicker's minis and we were all glad we did.  If you have any granny smith's left, you should make Snickers Salad too!


The Thornleys said...

We make this all the time, but we also add other candy bars and kinds of apples! It is always a hit! LOVE THIS!

Lisa-Marie said...

We add a packet of vanilla pudding and some butter milk in ours. I also use lots of fruit. Grapes, kiwi, strawberries, mandarin oranges...

You can also make this with fudge striped cookies. Not quite the same but still good.